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61 Search results for ‘Zambia’

The power of porridge

Joyce, a mother of 8, sits in her small grass-thatched kitchen, preparing a fire so that she can cook a nutritious meal for her 2-year-old daughter Loveness who is playing games with her friends and sisters outside.
group which was established by World Vision Zambia to train community volunteers so as to help

Building friendship and a better life in Zambia

Andrew and Mia recount their recent trip to Zambia, where they visited their sponsored child Moreen.

The Seed - Keembe 2018 update

The Seed - Keembe 2018 update
 Children in Zambia now have hope for the future. Your 2018 … an area in Zambia which suffers from long droughts. Their

The Seed - Keembe 2017 update

The Seed - Keembe 2017 update

Transforming Lives in Lufwanyama

Zambia English is introduced according to the Zambian school curriculum. Pictured

The difference chickens can make

17 years ago when Bee was just a baby he lost his father, and his mum, Esnart was struggling to feed the family. Fast-forward to today and the family is thriving; they often help to support other families in need in their community. Change all began with the arrival of some chickens from World Vision’s Must Have Gifts catalogue.
used as a staple in Zambia. Sometimes that was all the family would eat … than many other children in rural southern Zambia. He’s not malnourished. He’s physically

Celebrity Supporters

We’re very grateful to have the support of several famous faces to promote the work we’re doing throughout the world.

Overcoming challenges in Zambia

We recently spoke to two inspiring families and discussed the challenges they’ve overcome in recent years. Children like Alex and Emmanuel require extra support, and with thanks to people like Rachel and Anna, they are able to thrive in a loving and caring environment.
world. Recently we spoke to two families in Zambia and heard from them about the challenges … You can find out more about sponsorship in Zambia

Southern African countries declare "regional disaster" as new report warns of increase in cases of sexual violence

World Vision UK has today called for urgent funds to help support countries in Southern Africa as millions face food shortages due to a massive El Niño-induced drought.

A bright start: New business for mum of four in Zambia

Nomai’s dream is to ensure her children have a bright future. However, having a disability makes it difficult for her to pay the fees to keep her children in school. Thankfully, with help from a World Vision savings group and assistance starting her own business, Nomai's dream of enriching and educating her children is slowly starting to come true.
who lives in southern Zambia. Nomai is blind and a single parent to her … including in two communities in Zambia. As part of securing a better future for

Girl Power in Zambia

Tassie Frost enjoys a week visiting the work of World Vision in the Keembe region of Zambia.
to the projects in the Keembe District of Zambia didn’t sound like the most engaging of … have a great impact on the future for rural Zambians to improve their lives. How we take our

Cooking with Grandma: Malnutrition in Zambia

When Hector’s mother died, it wasn’t immediately obvious that he was suffering from malnutrition. His weight plummeted and the local medical centre wasn’t able to determine what was wrong, despite running a number of tests. It wasn’t until his grandmother took him to a nutrition group that World Vision had helped to start in their community that his health turned around, and made him the smiling, happy child he is today.
World Vision Zambia When Hector’s mother … Current statistics published by the Zambia Demographic Survey and UNICEF show that … half of children in Zambia are

Water of Life

Harriet has had to overcome many challenges throughout her life due to the lack of clean drinking water. Living in Zambia, she has had limited access to water for drinking and bathing until recently, when World Vision drilled a water borehole that has become a lifeline for Harriet and her local community.
Zambia never had proper access to clean water and … road and over a thousand kilometres from Zambia’s capital city Lusaka. Harriet couldn’t

Meeting Gift in Zambia

Sally travelled to Zambia with her family to meet Gift, their sponsored child
two of the World Vision Zambia staff came to … experienced the roads in Zambia with their many pot holes and police … we played with him. The children sang the Zambian national anthem for us then we played a few

Reflections on meeting Roland

Duncan's reflections on meeting Roland, his sponsored child, in Albania
gone to Zambia and spent time with a sponsored

Meeting Mandalena: 'Taller than in her last photo'

Maynard shares about meeting Mandalena, a child he sponsors through World Vision UK, in Zambia and the fantastic experience he had there.
Mandalena as part of an Ambassadors trip to Zambia was a moment he … me to become an Ambassador and to travel to Zambia to visit Mandalena and her community as well

G7: Last hope for the world's most vulnerable children

Ahead of the G7 summit, World Vision urges PM David Cameron to ensure the world’s most vulnerable children aren’t forgotten.

The privilege of sharing the start of an adventure

While visiting Zambia, our HR Coordinator, Gill, also met the farmers who will be taking advantage of the orange maize seeds you've given their community to help them Grow Hope.
HR Coordinator Gill recently travelled to Zambia with a group of our wonderful Ambassadors to … in the warmth of the Zambian … that had been selected by World Vision Zambia to participate in a pilot project to grow

Bringing water closer to home

Ten-year-old Violet has a reason to celebrate. Thanks to a new well drilled in her village by World Vision, she's now seen the last of her family's water worries. Before the new well, she had to walk long distances to fetch water to her village in Zambia.
and her family live in a small village in Zambia which is roughly 110 km from the nearest … Vision's Water and Sanitation Manager for Zambia’s southern region says 12 successful wells

Southern African Floods: World Vision begins response efforts

World Vision responds as over 600,000 people are affected and threats of waterborne diseases loom.
regions of Tanzania as well as northern Zambia.  For more