Running for Hope: a barefoot half-marathon

At World Vision we're lucky enough to experience remarkable things almost every day. The work that we do and the passion of our supporters inspire us all in everything we do. But there will always be those days that really stand out and rise above the day-to-day for a truly remarkable and memorable experience. Days like David had a couple of weeks ago.ResizedCardiff-20131006-00231.jpg

By David Brand, Fundraising Events Manager, World Vision UK

It’s 11 a.m. on a bright Sunday morning and I’m in the St John’s ambulance first aid tent following the Cardiff half-marathon. Not for me, but for one of the most heroic, determined, passionate and yet humble men I have had the privilege to meet in my life.

Abu Tadesse, has just run 13.1 miles around the roads of the Welsh capital in 1 hour 51 minutes for Team World Vision. Runners will know this is a very respectable time indeed for your first attempt at the distance. But what makes this extraordinary is that Abu completed the race without any shoes. His feet are now cut, bleeding and badly blistered.

The first aider in the tent exclaims to Abu – “Why on earth did you run for two hours without shoes?”
Abu smiles and replies passionately, his voice conveying the iron determination that is the mark of the man: “Two hours of pain is nothing to me compared to the life-time that millions of children have without hope or opportunity”.

Abu doesn’t want to be called a hero; he doesn’t want adulation. He simply wants everyone to know about how hard life is for children in developing countries the world over – and the impact that you can make by supporting World Vision.

That’s why he is a World Vision ambassador, fundraiser and advocate for children living in the world’s toughest places: “My purpose is to inspire you to do something for the well being of children and justice! Enough of injustice and poverty!”ResizedCardiff-20131006-00229.jpgWe are very proud of Abu and admire his passion and commitment for the world’s poorest children. If you are moved by Abu’s awareness and fund-raising efforts, please sponsor him on his JustGiving page. If you would like to congratulate Abu, he would love to hear from you on our Facebook page.

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