Sponsorship Made My Life Better
Tuesday 05, Aug, 2014Like many children in central Mozambique, Pedrito was born into a poor family and grew up in a mud hut covered by hay with his five brothers, mother and step-father. Thanks to sponsorship, he has been able to pursue his education, and is now in his second year of a technical mechanics course.
One Child is Too Many
Thursday 07, Aug, 2014Before the latest outbreak of violence, World Vision Jerusalem West Bank Gaza (JWG) had been running child sponsorship programmes; much like World Vision UK does in twenty countries around the world. Like most children in Gaza, over the past month some World Vision JWG sponsored children have lost their lives and all are now in need of psychological first aid.
Food aid brings brief relief to displaced residents in Gaza
Thursday 14, Aug, 2014Alex Snary, Director of World Vision's programmes in Jerusalem, West Bank and Gaza last week helped to distribute 800 food kits put together to support displaced families and their hosts in Gaza.
World Humanitarian Day: Remembering Lives Given To Bring Others Hope
Tuesday 19, Aug, 2014Johan Eldebo has visited many of the world's worst humanitarian emergencies. In today's blog he shares why marking World Humanitarian Day means so much to him and to the people to whom each and every humanitarian worker brings hope in all that they do.
Mothers Are Strong And Resilient: Reflecting On Tackling Early Childhood Deaths
Thursday 21, Aug, 2014Sarah Morgan reflects on her work in the field helping children to survive to celebrate their fifth birthday as she plans to do exactly that with her own daughter back in the UK.
How Local Advocacy Can Form A Global Agenda: Reflections From The Girl Summit Youth Delegates
Tuesday 26, Aug, 2014Alice and Alfred flew in from Sierra Leone to take part in the Girl Summit to tackle the issues of FGM and early marriage. One month on from their visit, they both take time to reflect on the change they are helping enable from a local to a global level.