Timely interventions for a world of difference | Urmila's HIV/AIDs story

Thursday 01, Dec, 2016

This Worlds AIDs Day we share the story of an HIV positive mother we've worked with in India, and her fight to secure medical care for herself and her children.

The difference chickens can make

Sunday 18, Dec, 2016

17 years ago when Bee was just a baby he lost his father, and his mum, Esnart was struggling to feed the family. Fast-forward to today and the family is thriving; they often help to support other families in need in their community. Change all began with the arrival of some chickens from World Vision’s Must Have Gifts catalogue.

Bullet-ridden schools lie abandoned in reclaimed cities across Iraq

Monday 05, Dec, 2016

As the battle to retake Mosul continues, urgent action is needed to allow children to resume their education.

Fleeing Aleppo: one family’s story of leaving the war-torn city

Monday 19, Dec, 2016

The fighting in Aleppo has intensified, but the evacuations of families from Eastern Aleppo has been suspended. Before the suspension, 8,000 families escaped on buses. Many left without any belongings or food. The UN believes at least 2,700 children were among the evacuees. Some left without their parents.

Light up Syria’s dark days with a message of hope

Tuesday 20, Dec, 2016

Aleppo’s destruction has left Syrian children facing some of their darkest days yet. We also know that Aleppo is only one of many besieged cities in Syria and another 400,000 people may be living in similar, if not worse situations.

Life with El Niño in Latin America | World Vision UK

Wednesday 28, Dec, 2016

The El Niño weather phenomenon is affecting countries across Latin America, including Bolivia and Honduras. Crops are failing and communities are being split. Read one family’s story with World Vision.