World Vision calls for safe routes into the UK for Syrian refugees

World Vision is calling on the UK government to create a refugee 'crisis package' that would admit more Syrian refugees into the country at a key international summit in Geneva today.

The UN refugee agency UNHCR is bringing together world leaders to address bureaucratic and legal barriers that prevent Syrian refugees from settling in safe havens. It wants European and other countries to share responsibility to resettle one in ten Syrian refugees over the next three years. Options for refugees could include humanitarian visas, private sponsorship, reuniting families, academic scholarships and study opportunities.

Speaking ahead of the summit, Johan Eldebo, Senior Humanitarian Policy Advisor for World Vision UK, said: 

“Today’s talks are about making sure all countries pull their weight and take in their fair share of Syrian refugees. This must be done in an organised way that doesn’t put people’s lives at risk.

“We fear that turning refugees back at Greece, through the ‘one in, one out’ deal struck between the EU and Turkey this month, will force desperate families and their children underground into the hands of smugglers."

Over 10,000 refugee children have already gone missing in Europe, facing the risk of sexual and other forms of exploitation which could put their lives at risk.

World Vision joins DEC appeal to raise urgent funds for Indonesia tsunami survivors

The members of the DEC (Disaster Emergency Committee) launched the joint fundraising appeal today to raise vital funds for the survivors of the Indonesia earthquake and tsunami.

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: World Vision UK launches appeal

World Vision UK has launched an emergency appeal to help people suffering in the aftermath of the Indonesian earthquake and tsunami.

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: Recovery may take more than 2 years

World Vision experts say it will take years for communities in and around the Indonesian city of Palu to recover.

Indonesia earthquake and tsunami: World Vision response teams arrive in Palu

World Vision emergency response teams have arrived in Palu, to urgently support rescue workers searching for survivors two days after a powerful earthquake hit Indonesia and triggered a tsunami.