Statement in response to the announcement of new FGM figures in the UK

Thursday 15, Sep, 2016

Aid charity World Vision UK today called for a global political and legal concerted approach at tackling the issue of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), following the latest figures

Truck with 3D image of child refugees brings stark reality of crisis to London

Monday 19, Sep, 2016

A truck bearing a 3D image of asylum-seeking children, will this morning (Monday 19 September 2016), drive across London to highlight the strife and challenges that child refugees are facing around the world.

World Vision calls the attack a turning point in the war and says ceasefire has achieved nothing

Tuesday 20, Sep, 2016

World Vision has expressed shock at an airstrike that hit an aid convoy in Syria, reportedly leaving 12 dead. The UN says 18 trucks were hit on their way to deliver aid to 78,000 people.

Sierra Leone: UK must commit existing funds to child protection as cases of sex abuse rise

Thursday 22, Sep, 2016

Sierra Leone: World Vision urges UK government to commit funds to child protection as cases of sexual abuse rise