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Click on the links below to view our other child health publications
- Angola report - community-based management of acute malnutrition using community health activists in Angola
- Beyond the health governance gap: maternal, newborn and child health in South Sudan
- Ending the everyday emergency – executive summary
- Ending the everyday emergency – full report
- Fragile but not helpless
- Health system strengthening
- MNCH case studies - being the change
- No short cuts
- Operation Factors for Integrating Nutrition with Agriculture/Livelihood Programmes
- Programme Innovation Case Studies: Health and Nutrition
- Reform of the World Health Organisation
- Sounding the alarm: the urgent needs of children in South Sudan
- Tackling undernutrition in fragile places
- The best start
- The killer gap
- West Africa food crisis
- Worse than bullets
- Channels of hope - transforming lives positively
- Continuing the journey - ending sexual violence in conflict
- Education's missing millions - main report
- Education's missing millions - summary report and proposals
- Education's missing millions - appendices to main report and summary report
- Eliminating child labour, achieving inclusive economic growth
- Ending child marriage by 2030 - tracking progress and identifying gaps
- Every child included and protected: what have we achieved and how do we improve
- Exploring the links: female genital mutilation / cutting (FGM/C) and early marriage
- Fear and want: children living in crisis in South Sudan
- Forgotten and vulnerable: the plight of Central African Republic's children
- Journey of a survivor - ending sexual violence in conflict
- Joining hands - Strengthening the circle of protection for the world's most vulnerable children
- No one to turn to
- No shame in justice: addressing stigma against survivors to end sexual violence in conflict zones (research report)
- No shame in justice: addressing stigma against survivors to end sexual violence in conflict zones (summary report)
- Preventing violence against women and girls in emergencies
- Programme Innovation Case Studies: Child Protection and Participation
- Putting girls at the centre
- Small world big responsibility
- Tackling FGMC in the UK - lessons from Africa
- The cost of conflict for children: five years of the Syria Crisis
- The evolving social norms of child, early and forced marriage
- Travelling together - how to include disabled people on the road to development
- Untying the knot - exploring early marriage in fragile states
- Work in progress: effective approaches to end child labour
- Working with the world's most vulnerable children
- A Safe Haven? Britain's role in protecting people on the move
- Bond | A state of the world's emergencies - A briefing for the UK Parliamentarians
- Central African Republic Response Report - Bringing hope to a forgotten crisis
- Children's Voices, Children's Rights - Full Report » Summary »
- Ending the everyday emergency: resilience and children in the Sahel
- Fixing a food crisis and preventing a catastrophe in South Sudan
- Lebanon report: under pressure (update) (September 2014)
- Lebanon report: under pressure (July 2013)
- Sierra Leone: Ebola - After the Outbreak - Executive Summary »
- Sierre Leone: Protecting the living, honouring the dead
- Stand with me: children's rights, wronged
- Stand with me: ending the war on Syria's children
- Stand with me: our uncertain future
- State of the world's emergencies: a briefing for new UK parliamentarians
- Supporting survivors of sexual violence through faith and community advocacy
- The cost of conflict for children: five years of the Syria Crisis
- Three years on: marking the end of the Haiti earthquake response
- A view from 2016: Child-Centered Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
- Applying conflict sensitivity in emergency response
- Bridging the participation gap: developing macro level conflict analysis through local perspectives
- Challenge of Climate Disasters
- Committing to Child-Centred Disaster Risk Reduction: An Opportunity at the World Conference for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Donor conflict sensitivity policy brief
- Escaping the hunger cycle: pathways to resilience in the Sahel
- Ending the everyday emergency: resilience and children in the Sahel
- From crisis to catastrophe: South Sudan's man made crisis - executive summary » full report »
- How to guide to conflict sensitivity
- Implementation of the Post-2015 Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction
- Institutionalising resilience: the World Vision story
- Learning from experience: a review of early warning systems
- Participatory learning approac hes for resilience: bringing conflict sensitivity, disaster risk reduction, and climate change adaptation together
- Participatory scenario planning for community resilience
- Promoting local adaptive capacity: experiences from Africa and Asia
- Promoting resilience in development programming: World Vision UK's approach
- Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction: For Children
- Strengthening the new deal from the bottom up: perspectives on the Somali compact and Somaliland special arrangement - executive summary » full report »
- Towards the resilient future that children want: a review of progress in achieving the Children’s Charter for Disaster Risk Reduction
- World Vision’s resilience programming: adding value for development
You can also take a look at some of our reports and papers on the Africa Climate Change Resilience Alliance (ACCRA) website:
Latest reports
- Programme Innovation Case Studies: Social Accountability
- Ex-Post Evaluation of Disability Inclusion
- Child Well-being Summary Report 2015: Building a Better World For Children
- World Vision UK Impact 2015: Technical Report
- Channels of hope: programme evidence (October 2015)
- Channels of hope: maternal, newborn and child health Zimbabwe (executive summary 2015)