Our Values
World Vision has six core values that guide and determine our actions, and each value is a challenge that we seek to live and work to every day.
We are Christian
We follow the teachings of Jesus who calls us to love our neighbours, care for children and challenge injustice.
We are committed to the poor
We are called to serve the neediest people of the earth, to relieve their suffering and to promote the transformation of their well-being.
We value people
We believe that every person is created equal and entitled to freedom, justice, peace and opportunity. We celebrate the richness of diversity in human personality, culture and contribution.
We are stewards
We take great care of the resources entrusted to us by others, whether this is money, time or trust, and we are open and transparent in our reporting.
We are partners
We work together with all those who care, recognising that more is achieved through cooperation than competition.
We are responsive
We respond to need whenever and wherever we can. We shall never rest while children suffer in situations that can be changed.
Read more about our partnership values »