World Vision UK (WVUK) is a child focused international relief, development and advocacy non-governmental organisation (NGO) committed to working with children and their families, communities, local and national authorities and governments to achieve the best outcomes for children. WVUK has a zero-tolerance stance on acts of modern slavery and human trafficking or on any breach of our Ethical Policy and will not condone any such action by its employees, agents, representatives, contractors, suppliers or consultants. WVUK takes transparency very seriously and is committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its business and supply chain. Our Ethical Policy is integral to all supplier contracts and sets out the overall standards surrounding human rights, child labour, discrimination, corruption, bribery or other financial impropriety, legal compliance and ethical conduct with which our suppliers must comply.
WVUK is a member of World Vision International (WVI) which is the lead organisation in a global network of worldwide affiliated organisations that use the World Vision trademark (under a license agreement) and are collectively referred to as the 'World Vision Partnership' (WV Partnership). World Vision International is active in about 100 countries. WVUK is one of 21 ‘Support Offices’ within the WV Partnership that raise funds and support programmes in World Vision National Offices (WV NOs) throughout the world.
WVUK has a very limited supply chain which primarily consists of suppliers who provide office support functions (such as IT services), providers of office supplies, and also companies which support our fundraising and marketing initiatives within the UK. WVUK's primary focus is the implementation of projects in different locations overseas.
In respect of overseas project implementation in the field, the majority of WVUK’s expenditure is through the WVI network of National Offices (WVNOs). Each WVNO is either a branch of WVI or an independent organisation. They will often have their own boards and operate autonomously to WVUK and are in control of their own purchasing and supply chains. All WVNOs commit to common standards issued by WVI. The WVNOs assume operational lead for all programming in that country and have access to technical specialists; for example finance and audit services as well as sector specialists through WV’s Global Technical Resource Network (GTRN); learning and best practice developments through established Communities of Practices and a local to global procurement supply chain. As the majority of WVUK’s partners are members of the WV Partnership, risk is institutionally managed in part due to the global governance and risk management systems they have set up.
On occasion, WVUK may work with a range of partner NGOs in addition to WVNOs where this is appropriate for more effective programming. In these cases, partnerships are developed with such NGOs on an ad-hoc basis, in line with strategic priorities and opportunities. Where we work with these partner organisations, the relationship is generally governed by a contractual agreement and control of the supply chain is within the remit and responsibility of the partner organisation.
As part of our own commitment to combating modern slavery, we have in place the following policies within our organisation and we adopt the WV Partnership Policies and Manuals listed below;
(1) WVUK Ethical Policy
(2) WVUK Ethical Due Diligence Checklist
(3) WVUK Code of Conduct Policy
(4) WVUK Child Safeguarding Policy
(5) WVUK Due Diligence Questionnaire
(6) WVUK Due Diligence Report Template
(7) WVUK Risk Management Policy
(8) WVUK Whistle Blowing Policy
(9) Partnership Global Supply Chain Management Procurement Manual
(10) Partnership Guide to Humanitarian Standards
Within our business and supply chains, we have adopted a strict due diligence process, which aims to minimise the risks of partnering with an organisation involved in unethical practices. We carry out checks to ensure that our partners and suppliers:
(a) are financially stable and have secure finance and procurement processes;
(b) operate in accordance with WVUK’s policies against bribery, corruption , terrorism and infringement of human rights;
(c) have relevant policies in place as described in (b) above or will abide by WVUK's policies;
(d) are not on a sanctions list and also verifies its partners/suppliers;
(e) have ethical and child safeguarding policies or will abide by WVUK policies; and
(f) operate in line with UK legislation and relevant legislation in operating countries.
WV Partnership now uses a leading third-party provider of ethical reporting services to support the WV Partnership’s "whistleblower" mechanism. A confidential telephone hotline and on online reporting tool are available to staff, partners in the field, contractors and others wishing to report suspected illegal or unethical conduct by WV Partnership or its personnel. This includes reporting any concerns in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking which may be taking place within WVUK's business or supply chain. To make an online report, you can use the following link
WVUK implements a Risk Management Policy with associated Risk Management Guidelines. These are in place and embedded within the organisation’s planning and business review processes to ensure effective management of risks to which the charity is exposed in its activities. Training has been rolled out to the organisation’s managers to equip them more fully to identify assess and mitigate risks, to clarify responsibilities and internal escalation procedures and to encourage optimal engagement with risk management processes within World Vision partner offices.
WVUK continues to review its policies and processes to ensure that ethical standards, legal compliance and good governance are maintained consistent with our values and mission.
This statement is made in accordance with Section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes World Vision UK's modern slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year commencing 1 October 2016 and ending 30 September 2017.
Tim Pilkington
CEO as authorised by the Board of Trustees, May 2017