World Vision UK - Gender Pay Gap Report for 5 April 2017
As an organisation whose identity is underpinned by our faith, and therefore by Christian values of equality, dignity and justice, World Vision UK is strongly committed to reducing the gender pay gap within our organisation.
Our Gender Pay Gap Report shows a significant gap between the average pay of women and men in the charity. Our median pay gap of 19.6% places our results higher than the national average of 18.4%. A high percentage of our female staff work in the lower pay bands.
We accept the need to take robust action to close this gender pay gap. To do this effectively, we must fully understand and then target the causes of the gap. For example, we are analysing the number of women vs. men who apply for and get shortlisted for junior and senior roles.
We have a number of activities underway to address our gender imbalance.
- We are providing unconscious bias training for all senior leaders to ensure our recruitment practices are free from any unconscious bias.
- We are reviewing our recruitment processes to better understand how to attract more female applicants for higher paid jobs.
- We have a Diversity & Inclusion Group working with the Senior Leadership Team to identity further ways to close the gender pay gap.
World Vision is committed to creating an environment that will enable women to grow to their full potential and are making further improvements to address the gender pay gap in 2018.
Statement approved and signed by:
Tim Pilkington - Chief Executive Officer, World Vision UK
Jacquie Heany - Director of People and Culture, World Vision UK