Our Commitment to You: The World Vision Supporter Charter
You make it possible for World Vision to bring real hope to children living in the world’s hardest places. Without you, we would be unable to follow Christ’s teaching to care for and protect children, an act we perform out of our shared values and faith.
We believe that in giving to charity, you are engaged in one of the fundamental behaviours that makes us all human. In return, you have the right to know what we do with your money, the right to hold World Vision to account. This charter shows you what you can expect from World Vision when you give. It also explains what you can do if we fail to live up to your expectations.
When you give to World Vision, we promise these things:
We will use your donation to bring real hope to children.
We take great care of the resources entrusted to us our supporters, whether this is money, time or trust. We are open and transparent in our reporting and show clearly how we use our resources in our annual report and impact report.
We will thank you.
We are so grateful for your support, and we believe it is right to thank you. We aim to bring you closer to the children you are helping by sharing their stories and updating you on how we are using your money.
If you let us, we will tell you about other ways you can help the world's most vulnerable children.
Like you, we are committed to helping the poor. So when you give us permission, we will ask you again to help. Whenever we ask you for more money, we will explain why we need it, in clear language, and always respect your preferences about the ways in which we communicate with you.
We will not wear out our welcome.
It is your choice how often we contact you. In all our communications with you, we will make it easy for you to let us know how you want us to stay in touch – or if you would prefer us not to contact you at all. We will only contact you with relevant messages.
We will value and act on your feedback.
We love hearing from you. Please help us understand how we can make your experience of giving more worthwhile. We review all feedback regularly and improve the way we do things as a result.
We will steward your personal information securely.
We respect your privacy and will never share your personal details with other organisations for marketing purposes, or sell it to other charities. We aim to uphold the highest standards in data protection, especially when it comes to protecting your data from unauthorised access or disclosure.
We will comply with law and industry standards when fundraising.
We obey the Fundraising Code of Practice, the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Charities Act 1992. We regularly review our work against these benchmarks to ensure our activities are honest, legal and fair.
What to do if we fall short of your expectations
- Contact our Supporter Care Team on 01908 84 10 10 or email complaints@worldvision.org.uk. One of our fully trained team members will handle your complaint personally. We aim to resolve it within three working days.
- If you are still unhappy, you can contact the Fundraising Regulator or Charity Commission who have an independent complaints procedure that seeks to resolve any problems between you and World Vision.