Livelihoods restored in Gaza

As many Gazans have to rely on their land as their main source of income, many livelihoods hugely suffered as a result of the 2014 Gaza conflict. Some 1700 dunams (hectares) of crop-growing land and 1,500 sheep farms were badly damaged, as well as 326 greenhouses being destroyed and almost 2,500 partially destroyed. On top of this, 767 wells were left in need of repair.

In response, World Vision Gaza worked with communities to replant crops, rehabilitate damaged lands, and rebuild greenhouses and wells. As a result, over 1,000 families have been able to resume their livelihoods.




I felt like I was given a new life, it is like a dream. I am now more resilient and I feel that I have the power and support to continue farming my land.

- Akram, 38 year-old farmer

World Vision Gaza also assisted livestock owners by supplying feed and replacement animals. One of them, 25-year-old Fadi, tragically lost not only his sheep, but also his hearing when an explosion rocked his small plot of land.

After the war and the destruction of my farm, and as a person with disability, I lost hope for the future. Through World Vision Gaza’s support, I retrieved my source of income which means I do not have to rely on financial support from others. It feels good to be independent and have control over my own life.

- Fadi, 25

World Vision has worked in Jerusalem West Bank Gaza since 1975. World Vision’s budget is primarily spent on education, health, economic development and child protection initiatives.

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